Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Keep the momentum. Challenge day 29

I hope this past month you have learned some new things about yourself and have gained some new insights. New insights leads to new results. The important thing is to keep the momentum going because the over time things get easier and easier. But remember over time negative habits get easier too so the sooner you give up the old and replace it with the new, the easier it is to remain healthy and happy.

Stay informed
It is always much easier for me to make healthy choices when I stay inspired and remember how important it is for my health to keep high quality food in my body. Be interested in keeping positively healthy information coming to you.

Make a list
Make a list of the changes that were really positive and made a difference for you. Write down the new action and the reasons why you really want to keep it in your life long term so you remember how good you feel. This positive reinforcement will help you stay tuned in to what works specifically for you

If you find something works for you share the info with a friend. The more you are surrounded by informed and inspired people the easier it is to maintain positive changes

challenge yourself
Keep yourself moving in a positive direction by looking for ways to challenge yourself self physically. Make sure your workout routines is varied and fun and is constantly changing

Try something new
When you get into the habit of upgrading your lifestyle it becomes easier and easier. We outgrow habits but forget to let them go. By constantly being willing to add new vegetables, fruits, grains, recipes, workouts, information and inspiring people into your life you will continue to be inspired, feel great and know that the process of living a life you love in a body you love is simply being willing to change as your lifestyle changes.
Keep it fresh

To Celebrate
Join me for a free intenSati class for non-members and members this saturday at Equinox Columbus Circle at 4:30. If you want to reserve your space email rsvp@intensati.com. I would love to see you there.